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Factors affecting powder metallurgy sintering

Apr. 17, 2024


① Temperature and time

Sintering temperature and time are important factors affecting the quality of sintering

Sintering temperature and time can affect the porosity, density, strength and hardness of the sintered body

High sintering temperature and long heating time are called "over-burning", which may lead to scorch defects in the product.

Low sintering temperature or too short sintering time, also known as "under-firing", may lead to performance degradation.

 Sintering atmosphere

The sintering atmosphere is one of the important factors that directly affects the performance of sintered products. The sintering atmosphere is divided into three types: protective atmosphere, controllable atmosphere and air atmosphere. The uses of sintering atmosphere are mainly divided into the following five types: 

1. Remove lubricant residues 

2. Reduce oxides and prevent oxidation 

3. Avoid decarburization and carburization 

4. Dilute leaked air 

5. Maintain uniformity of the sintering process Consistent and stable.

Metal powder metallurgy sintering atmosphere can be divided into three types: protective atmosphere, controllable atmosphere, and air atmosphere. The sintering protective atmosphere refers to the atmosphere used to prevent the surface of the product from oxidation when the powder metallurgy product is sintering. It has many functions and can prevent the sintered parts from oxidizing. Reduce the oxides on the surface of powder particles and remove the gas and moisture adsorbed on the surface of powder particles.

There are many factors that affect the performance of the sintered body, such as the characteristics of the powder, molding and sintering conditions. The factors of the sintering conditions include heating rate, sintering temperature and time, cooling rate, sintering atmosphere and pressure conditions. Each variable factor can be controlled before sintering. Produce qualified products.