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How to reduce the electricity cost of heat treatment

Sep. 25, 2023


Compared with mechanical processing, heat treatment workshop or professional heat treatment plant consumes a lot of power, often a heat treatment equipment is equivalent to the power consumption of more than ten mechanical processing equipment, is a real "electric tiger".

It is of great significance to reduce the cost of heat treatment and improve production efficiency to reduce the cost of heat treatment.Therefore, large machinery processing plants with heat treatment workshops or professional heat treatment plants will reduce the heat treatment production of electricity costs as a key work.

According to our factory's more than 20 years of experience, there are four main ways to reduce the electricity cost of heat treatment production:

(1) Eliminate outdated and high-power-consuming heat treatment equipment, and adopt advanced, low-power heat treatment equipment.

(2) On the premise of meeting the requirements of the heat treatment process, shorten the heating and holding time as much as possible, reduce unnecessary power consumption, and achieve the purpose of reducing power consumption; develop a correct and reasonable heat treatment process, reduce operation errors, and improve the pass inspection It is also very important to reduce the heat treatment repair rate of the product, which can reduce unnecessary power consumption and also help ensure the heat treatment quality of the product.

(3) Do a good job in the maintenance and maintenance of heat treatment equipment, which can greatly reduce the failure rate of heat treatment equipment. When the heat treatment equipment, especially the heat treatment furnace, has parts that are heating or keeping warm, if it is necessary to stop the furnace to cool down or take a long time to repair, then it will increase the power consumption, and sometimes it will The parts are repaired in batches, which greatly increases the power consumption. Although the failure of the heat treatment furnace is inevitable, we can greatly reduce the failure rate of the heat treatment equipment by doing a good job in the maintenance and maintenance of the heat treatment equipment, and achieve the purpose of reducing power consumption.

(4) Arrange heat treatment production reasonably make full use of low-voltage electricity, and reduce electricity costs.

In most cases, a heat treatment shop or professional heat treatment plant will not easier to replace heat treatment equipment.

Because, the replacement of heat treatment equipment needs more technical renovation funds, manufacturers need to overall planning, in a planned way;

Only when the manufacturer feels that the existing equipment is really old, with high energy consumption and failure rate, and at the same time, it has sufficient technical renovation fund support, it will consider to replace the heat treatment equipment with low energy consumption and advanced technology.

Another possibility is that the manufacturer considers the need to further increase the production output of heat treatment or the need to further improve the heat treatment quality of the product.

Therefore, as a heat treatment workshop or professional heat treatment plant management personnel and technical personnel should be in the next three ways to reduce energy consumption, reduce electricity costs, do more work, think of ways.

Reasonable arrangement of heat treatment production, make full use of the off-peak power, reduce the cost of electricity, this is the point I want to state on this article.

Now I would like to introduce to you the management method and experience of one of our domestic partners in heat treatment production, hoping to give you some inspiration and be used for reference.

Our heat treatment plant is mainly responsible for the heat treatment of these tools, molds, measuring tools, cutters, fixtures, fixtures and other products, the main heat treatment equipment is box resistance furnace, high temperature box resistance furnace, box ball bottom furnace,pit type carburizing furnace, pit type tempering furnace, pit type salt bath furnace, high temperature salt bath furnace, high frequency induction heating furnace, etc..

According to heat treatment equipment, heat treatment  group is divided into electric furnace group, salt bath furnace group and high frequency group.

The main job of the furnace is to conduct heat treatment on some large-sized workpieces, including large-sized structural steel workpieces, high-carbon steel molds, alloy steel molds, parts with the outer circle size greater than 320mm, and alloy steel molds with the heating temperature of 980~1100℃.

The salt bath furnace is mainly used for heat treatment of small size workpieces, such as small structural steel workpieces, high carbon steel molds, alloy steel molds, and circular parts with the outer size less than 320mm.

The high temperature salt bath furnace is specially used for heat treatment of high speed steel tools and small high temperature alloy steel molds.

First of all, our factory strengthens the promotion of energy saving and consumption reduction, implements lean management, encourages all employees to participate in energy saving and consumption reduction work, and strives to create a good atmosphere of "energy saving and consumption reduction starting from samll things".

The second is to make full use of off-peak electricity. Our city implements " day-parting electricity prices" for industrial electricity, that is, electricity prices are different in different time periods. There are four time periods, peak power usage time, high power usage time, normal power usage time, and off-peak power usage time.

The price of electricity during peak electricity usage is the highest, Off-peak period is the most cheapest price.

Below is the day-parting electricity price table in our city.

Day-parting Electricity Price(RMB/KWH)

Peak periodHigh periodNormal periodOff peak period
January, February, November, December(
April, May, June, October(


Because the electricity cost = unit price of electricity ×time of electricity consumption.

The lower the electricity price, the less electricity costs need to be paid for the same time.

From the electricity price table above, we can see that there is a very large difference between the low and peak period electricity prices. .

Taking September as an example, the electricity price during the off-peak period of electricity consumption is 0.54 yuan/kWh, while the price of the peak electricity period is 1.83 yuan/kWh.

The same heat treatment furnace uses one hour of electricity during the peak period of electricity consumption is equal to consumption of off-peak period nearly 3.5 hours. Therefore, making full use of off-peak electricity can greatly reduce electricity costs.

From this perspective, our heat treatment plant makes a focus about the off-peak electricity consumption period, rationally arranges heat treatment production, makes full use of trough electricity, and tries to avoid using peak period, high electricity period, especially peak electricity period. The specific production arrangements are as follows:

(1) The quenching of the parts with the material heating temperature range of 840~900℃ in the salt furnace group should be completed before 8 o'clock in the morning, and the parts with the material heating temperature range of 780~820℃ should be arranged in the normal time of noon.

(2) The temperature rise and heat preservation of the electric box heating furnace are arranged in the three shifts (after 10 o'clock in the evening), and the quenching operation must be completed before 8 o'clock in the morning.

The tempering of the workpiece is arranged in the normal electric time at noon

(3) For high-speed steel and high-temperature alloy steel that use more heat treatment and heating equipment and have a long cycle, the furnace raising and heat preservation are arranged in the three shifts of off-peak electricity consumption period, and whether the furnace can be opened is determined according to the quantity of parts. Under the premise of Not affecting the production schedule, try to reduce the times of openings.

(4)Under the premise of ensuring the quality of heat treatment, the parts for deformation correction should be tempered with residual temperature or furnace tempering (tempering together with parts with suitable tempering temperature).

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