Ultra-High Technology Heat Treatment R&D Center

Ultra-High Technology Heat Treatment R&D Center


> About Us > Ultra-High Technology Heat Treatment R&D Center
Company IntroductionUltra-High Technology Heat Treatment R&D Center

We are not only a manufacturer of continuous atmosphere controlled furnaces, but also provide annealing heat treatment services for local company using our own furnaces.

In this way, we can learn more about how our furnace are being used and get innovate. We also provide sample test service!

Bright Annealing Process

Container annealing

Container annealing

Copper annealing

Copper annealing

Drawing part annealing

Drawing part annealing

Long tube annealing

Long tube annealing

Knives and forks quenching

Knives and forks quenching

Bright Brazing Process

Exhausts valve brazing

Exhausts valve brazing

Pressure vessel brazing

Pressure vessel brazing

Sponge product brazing

Sponge product brazing

Stainless steel and carbon steel brazing

Stainless steel and carbon steel brazing

Bright Sintering Process

Gear sintering

Gear sintering

Sleve sintering

Sleve sintering

If we cooperate, You can enjoy:

① Share heat treatment experience and design the furnace according to your product attributes : We also provide heat treatment services for local companies.

In this way, we can combine the customer's product characteristics, size, process, location and our research on the heat treatment process.

So we can offer more customization options to our customers. And we can also share a lot of heat treatment experience.

We provide 24 hours quick sample test service, to help you test the required product heat treatment process technology and time, so that when you purchase our equipment, more at ease and peace of mind.

Continuous micro-innovation of furnace production: If there are any problems with our furnace using encounter, our design team can improve the furnace design in time in the spirit of continuous micro-innovation.

Now our furnace is about to upgrade to version 4.0!

More versions 5.0 and 6.0 will follow! Create more value for your customers!

The great support of installation: We have running furnace at site.

In this way, if you have any problems in using and installing, we can have a video conference with you immediately.

As long as we show you a picture of our existing furnace, you just need to install the furnace according to the furnace in our workshop! It will save your time and effort and easy to understand!